Tuesday, December 21, 2010

From Nightmare to Nightmare

  I sleep on my couch most of the time.  It isolates me from moving about too much and aggravating my leg.  My dreams have been getting worse over the last few weeks, and I'm finding myself awake more and more.

I'm sleeping on the couch and it begins to shake; tremor.  I get up and open the door to our small apartment; find the weather outside to be balmy and warm.  I'm walking in a normal fashion, with no aid, but the stones on the paved area are causing pain to the bottom of my right foot.  It's like walking on glass.  I'm at an airport and a few hundred yards from a single runway.  A large jet is coming in for  landing, and I can hear the tower radio telling them to abort.  The jet comes in anyway and crashes; explodes in front of me.  I turn to run.  My right foot hits the ground and a piece of shrapnel tears through it.  Falling; hitting the pavement.  More shards of metal and glass rain down into my right leg, and I scream with agony.
  Awake, and in just as much pain as in the dream.  I'm still trying to catch my breath, and my eyes are still watering.  It's getting to the point that I'm jumping at every sound, expecting my leg to be damaged.  I'm spending most nights awake trying not to scream and wake my family...


  1. To be dreaming then awaken to feel the same is a nightmare of the worst kind. From what you have told us you are able and capable of a great deal. Keep going knowing that in your quest you are also helping others and most of all cherish your family as they will understand. Many blessings this season Peace!

  2. My nightmares have been worse then ever after my accident - I think it may actually be a side effect of the medications meant to keep us out of pain. Being lulled into sleep medicinally also makes the nightmares last longer with a far richer detail than a normal persons. I've found nothing to make a difference in them - except not sleeping, which isn't good for anyone.

  3. I think I agree with you Jhon. Last night I suffered from a dream in which I experienced 'waking up' multiple times. First I was being pulled by my leg and woke up, but I was still sleeping and stepped on a sharp object that tore through my foot. I woke up, but was actually still sleeping...
    It was horrible.
    On a lighter note...
    I have your gift ready. ;)
